Seventeenth century poet and playwright, John Dryden, offered a word of caution to anyone battling the steadfast; “Beware the fury of a patient man.”

Like a cat in the tall grass waiting on the imprudence of its prey or a dug-in army’s captain waiting on the weariness of the walled-in; the patient man waits because he knows what he wants and is confident that time will prove the promise of his approach. The Apostle Paul, writing of God’s desire for His creation, provides the following assurance that such a communion will one day be won: His love is patient. Though daylight fade and darkness increase; love is patient. When reason falls and madness reigns; love is patient. As kindness hardens and anger burns; love is patient. There is never any panic in heaven.God’s steadfast love will win the accomplishment of His will in the world and we, His people, would do well to serve that love with confidence.